April 15, 2012
PAX East took place in Boston last weekend. Some jokingly referred to it as PAX Easter or PAXover East for its congruity with certain well-known holidays. This was my third PAX East, and the second at which my company, Demiurge Studios, has been a presenter at the show. I actually didn’t hear about my favorite […]
September 6, 2011
A gem of a game called Bastion came out earlier this summer, and I recently finished getting all 200/200 of its achievement points. If you have an Xbox 360 or Windows PC, I highly recommend checking out the demo at the very least, and for $15, it’s easily worth its cost. Sadly, Mac OS X […]
February 7, 2011
This past Tuesday, February 1, marked the release of my 3rd Rock Band track pack and my 4th Rock Band title overall: The sequel to the hit game Rock Band Country Track Pack, Country Track Pack 2 brings you such songs as Dwight Yoakam’s country rap “Intentional Heartache” that involves spraying various things neon green: […]
October 13, 2010
I think the title of Demiurge Studio’s new game speaks for itself: Ok, so that teaser trailer only raises more questions than it answers, but rest assured that this game will involve the shooting of many robots. Many many many robots. Check out IGN for an interview with studio director Al Reed and the official […]
February 16, 2010
Following in the success of Mega Man 9, Capcom has decided to release another sequel in the style of the old NES Mega Man games: Mega Man 10 (Not to be confused with Mega Man X) Can’t wait. Though I will be avoiding easy mode, its existence will appease the people who thought Mega Man […]
January 12, 2010
Ok, yeah, I know, I’ve not been updating this blog too frequently. I really should have written this entry a month ago, when the following announcement was made on the Spike Video Game Awards 2009: Not included in the announcement was the fact that Demiurge Studios was working on Green Day: Rock Band. And I […]
July 25, 2009
Ok, so that’s not quite how the lyrics for Kenny Rogers’ The Gambler go, but it’s an amusing case of misheard lyrics. The Gambler is just one of 21 great country songs you’ll find in the brand new Rock Band Country Track Pack, available now for the PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii. Enough with […]
June 12, 2009
At least according to the users of GameFAQs. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time recently finished triumphing over Final Fantasy VII in the 128-game battle royale contest of Best. Game. Ever. 2009, which took place over the past two-plus months. Each day, four games battled it out in the Poll of the Day, with […]
April 11, 2009
Ok, Word-Fu has been out for over a month now, and I’ve been really lame about updating this blog. Word-Fu is an iPhone game developed jointly between Demiurge Studios and ngmoco:) that I was working on for a couple of months. The first release was on February 26, and the first update hit the iTunes […]
November 28, 2008
About two and half weeks ago, my Xbox 360 gave me a Red Ring of Death, indicative of a general hardware failure. It’s about two years old now, and there weren’t really any warning signs. I went to turn it on, and….it didn’t. Most RRoDs are caused by overheating; I generally keep my 360 well-ventilated, […]