29.9 miles down, 2149.2 to go

July 25, 2010

I recently took some time off work to go hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Specifically, I decided to tackle a section of the Appalachian Trail, between Franconia Notch and Mount Washington, along with my good friend Pete Kruskall. Or at least that’s what the original plan was. Day 0, Thursday, 7/15: 0.0 […]

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Kakuro Solver

July 1, 2010

Kakuro (also known as Cross Sums) is a popular number-based logic puzzle. It resembles crossword puzzles, except instead of clues made up of words, you have clues made up of numbers indicating the sum of the digits in the indicated cells, with the additional constraint that no entry contain the same digit more than once. […]